This is the same error I am getting with the fresh install on RHEL 6.6. If it helps I have done the following to try and find the problem:
1. the data is being passed correctly between nodes and head node.
2. rrd files are being updated correctly and a graph can be produced from the data.
3. the file /usr/share/ganglia-webfrontend/graph.php is the file that display the error message, the particular code is
// We must have a 'series' value, or this is all for naught
if (!array_key_exists('series', $rrdtool_graph) ||
!strlen($rrdtool_graph['series'])) {
$rrdtool_graph['series'] =
'HRULE:1#FFCC33:"Empty RRDtool command. Likely bad graph config"';
Richard A. Young
ICT Services
Email: ***@usq.edu.au Phone: (07) 46315557
Mob: 0437544370 Fax: (07) 46312798
-----Original Message-----
From: LAHAYE Olivier [mailto:***@cea.fr]
Sent: Friday, 16 January 2015 8:37 PM
To: oscar-***@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [Oscar-users] Ganglia : Empty RDDtool command. Likely bad graph config
I confirm the bug unfortunately. I though that it was my test machine that had the problem due to multiple reinstall; your statement proves that I was wrong and that this bugs triggers on a fresh install.
The good news is that it's reproductible and thus should be easy to fix.
Unfortunately, it this time I have to time to investigate. Maybe on monday or tuesday. In the meantime, if you can figure out the bad config (bad link?) that would help me a lot.
Best regards.
Olivier LAHAYE
De : Laurent Carrel [***@free.fr] Envoyé : vendredi 16 janvier 2015 11:28 À : oscar-***@lists.sourceforge.net Objet : [Oscar-users] Ganglia : Empty RDDtool command. Likely bad graph config
Dear all,
After a clean install on my cluster on a centos 6.8 ,all works fine (1 head and 28 nodes) except ganglia (3.7).
On each graph, the load of the nodes are shown with the good background color but no data are drawed and, at the bottom of the graph, this message is written : Empty RRDtool command. Likely bad graph config.
If click on Inspect, no data appear. If i click on JSON, 'null' is written, and when i export a cvs, i get a file with only 1 line : 'Timestamp'.
I hope somebody will help me ...
Laurent CARREL
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