1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC

the wizard-oscar.log says :
2014-2-21 16:55:32 [main :: Line 137] Enabling atftpd
[INFO] Setting service xinetd to on...
[INFO] Called getitem with xinetd_service and returning xinetd
[INFO] xinetd is already on
[INFO] Setting xinetd service tftp to on...
[INFO] Called getitem with tftp_service and returning atftp
[ACTION] About to run: /sbin/chkconfig atftp on
erreur lors de la lecture d'informations sur le service atftp=C3=82| : Au=
fichier ou dossier de ce type
[ERROR] Failed to run: /sbin/chkconfig atftp on (rc=3D1)
at /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/OSCAR/Utils.pm line 101
[INFO] Performing restart on xinetd service.
Using "netstat -an | fgrep -w 69", the port 69 stays closed.
Then, after googling, in order to start the service atftpd, I made some=20
change in /etc/sysconfig/atftpd by setting USE_INET from false to true.
But the reason remains unclear ...


The second problem was related to rsyncd, with error like :
rsync -a /scripts/
@ERROR: Unknown module 'scripts'
rsync error: error starting client-server protocol (code 5) at=20
main.c(1536) [receiver=3D3.0.0]

The error is related to the service rsyncd. It runs, but by checking=20
with "ps -ef | grep -i rsync", the config argument for rsyncd was wrong=20
config=3D/tmp/fileNWWV3 instead of config=3D/etc/systemimager/rsyncd.conf

Then, I stop by hand the rsyncd service and do :

~]# /etc/init.d/systemimager-server-rsyncd start
Starting rsync daemon for systemimager: ok.
~]# ps -ef | grep rsync
root 6503 1 0 11:29 ? 00:00:00 /usr/bin/rsync --daemon=20

The reason remains unclear, but now I can pull the image.


Now, I m fighting with the grub loader and network setup just after the=20
image installation.
What is unclear for me is why some large sections calling "system=20
configurator" are now commented out in Server.pm ?
How do you proceed to launch the boot loader using grub-install on the=20
client node ? Always with SystemConfig/Boot/Grub.pm ? But how/where you=20
call it ?

Same remark apply with the setting of network NICs on the client node :=20
if I'm not wrong, in previous Oscar version, this stage was performed by=20
calling the system configurator,
But, now with systemconfigurator off, how do you proceed to=20
write/change the file /etc/sysconfig/network and icfg-eth0 inside the=20
client server ?
These files look unchanged (more precisely, they are missing) and the=20
client node stays unreachable from the cluster network after the image=20
installation ?

Many thanks for your comments.
