Amin Nezarat
2014-07-23 18:29:27 UTC
You can use following step by step guid:
nano /etc/sysconfig/networkHOSTNAME=HOST_NAME
nano /etc/hosts127.0.0.1 HOST_NAME
service network restart
## RHEL/CentOS 6 64-Bit ##wget release-6-8.noarch.rpm
rpm -ivh epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm
Please find installing procedure below.
OS: CentOS 6.5OSCAR versin: 6.1.2
/etc/yum.repos.d/oscar.repo set to
# oscar.repo## If the mirrorlist= does not work for you, as a fall back you can try the# remarked out baseurl= line instead.##
[oscar]name=OSCAR - 6.1.2svn10022013###mirrorlist=
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 set to
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1 set to DHCP
o Disable iptables for IPv6:
%service ip6tables stop%chkconfig ip6tables off
in /etc/sysconfig/networkNETWORKING_IPV6=noIPV6INIT=no
o /etc/sysconfig/selinux set SELINUX=disabled
o Option PermitRootLogin in /etc/ssh/sshd_config set to 'yes'
o install RHEL EPEL repository on 6.4
%wget rpm -Uvh *.rpm
%yum -y update%yum -y install oscar
o in /etc/oscar/supported_distros.txtmirrorlist change to
%yum -y update
%oscar-config --setup-distro centos-6-x86_64
%oscar-config --bootstrap
%oscar_wizard -d install
Best Regards
You can use following step by step guid:
nano /etc/sysconfig/networkHOSTNAME=HOST_NAME
nano /etc/hosts127.0.0.1 HOST_NAME
service network restart
## RHEL/CentOS 6 64-Bit ##wget release-6-8.noarch.rpm
rpm -ivh epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm
Please find installing procedure below.
OS: CentOS 6.5OSCAR versin: 6.1.2
/etc/yum.repos.d/oscar.repo set to
# oscar.repo## If the mirrorlist= does not work for you, as a fall back you can try the# remarked out baseurl= line instead.##
[oscar]name=OSCAR - 6.1.2svn10022013###mirrorlist=
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 set to
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1 set to DHCP
o Disable iptables for IPv6:
%service ip6tables stop%chkconfig ip6tables off
in /etc/sysconfig/networkNETWORKING_IPV6=noIPV6INIT=no
o /etc/sysconfig/selinux set SELINUX=disabled
o Option PermitRootLogin in /etc/ssh/sshd_config set to 'yes'
o install RHEL EPEL repository on 6.4
%wget rpm -Uvh *.rpm
%yum -y update%yum -y install oscar
o in /etc/oscar/supported_distros.txtmirrorlist change to
%yum -y update
%oscar-config --setup-distro centos-6-x86_64
%oscar-config --bootstrap
%oscar_wizard -d install
Best Regards
Subject: Oscar-users Digest, Vol 82, Issue 10
Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 14:01:38 +0000
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1. Re: yum install oscar (Jan Huelsberg)
Message: 1
Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 16:01:19 +0200
Subject: Re: [Oscar-users] yum install oscar
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
Fixed it!
Had to export not only the http_proxy but also the https-proxy.
Now yum works again and is installing OSCAR.
Thanks a lot!
Jan Huelsberg
Fraunhofer-Institut fuer Werkstoffmechanik IWM
Woehlerstr. 11
79108 Freiburg
Telefon +49 761 5142-275
Fax +49 761 5142-110
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Oscar-users mailing list
End of Oscar-users Digest, Vol 82, Issue 10
Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 14:01:38 +0000
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than "Re: Contents of Oscar-users digest..."
1. Re: yum install oscar (Jan Huelsberg)
Message: 1
Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 16:01:19 +0200
Subject: Re: [Oscar-users] yum install oscar
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
Fixed it!
Had to export not only the http_proxy but also the https-proxy.
Now yum works again and is installing OSCAR.
Thanks a lot!
Hi Jan,
yum install
sudo touch /var/log/systemimager/rsyncd
Olivier Lahaye
--yum install
sudo touch /var/log/systemimager/rsyncd
Error: Package: systeminstaller-oscar-x11-2.4.18-1.el6.noarch (oscar)
Requires: perl(Tk::Derived)
Error: Package: oscar-base-lib-6.1.2r10894-1.el6.noarch (oscar)
Requires: perl(Tk::Pretty)
Error: Package: oscar-base-lib-6.1.2r10894-1.el6.noarch (oscar)
Requires: perl(Net::IPv4Addr)
Error: Package: systemimager-server-4.3.0-0.18.el6.noarch (oscar)
Requires: perl(Tk::widgets)
Error: Package: oscar-base-scripts-6.1.2r10894-1.el6.noarch (oscar)
Requires: perl(Tk::ROText)
Error: Package: systeminstaller-oscar-x11-2.4.18-1.el6.noarch (oscar)
Requires: perl(Tk::Tree)
Error: Package: systemimager-server-4.3.0-0.18.el6.noarch (oscar)
Requires: perl(Tk)
Error: Package: oscar-base-lib-6.1.2r10894-1.el6.noarch (oscar)
Requires: perl-Net-IPv4Addr
Error: Package: systemimager-server-4.3.0-0.18.el6.noarch (oscar)
Requires: perl(Tk::Balloon)
Error: Package: systeminstaller-oscar-x11-2.4.18-1.el6.noarch (oscar)
Requires: perl(Tk)
Error: Package: perl-Tk-TextANSIColor-0.16-1.noarch (oscar)
Requires: perl(Tk::Text)
Error: Package: perl-Tk-TextANSIColor-0.16-1.noarch (oscar)
Requires: perl(Tk)
Error: Package: systemimager-server-4.3.0-0.18.el6.noarch (oscar)
Requires: perl(Tk::ROText)
Error: Package: configurator-1.0.8-1.el6.noarch (oscar)
Requires: perl(Tk)
Error: Package: systeminstaller-oscar-x11-2.4.18-1.el6.noarch (oscar)
Requires: perl(Tk::FileSelect)
Error: Package: oscar-base-lib-6.1.2r10894-1.el6.noarch (oscar)
Requires: perl(Tk::Tree)
Error: Package: systemimager-server-4.3.0-0.18.el6.noarch (oscar)
Requires: perl(Tk::HList)
Error: Package: perl-Tk-TextANSIColor-0.16-1.noarch (oscar)
Requires: perl(Tk::ROText)
Error: Package: systeminstaller-oscar-2.4.18-1.el6.noarch (oscar)
Requires: perl(MLDBM)
Error: Package: systeminstaller-oscar-x11-2.4.18-1.el6.noarch (oscar)
Requires: perl(Tk::ROText)
Error: Package: oscar-base-scripts-6.1.2r10894-1.el6.noarch (oscar)
Requires: perl(Net::IPv4Addr)
Error: Package: systeminstaller-oscar-x11-2.4.18-1.el6.noarch (oscar)
Requires: perl-Tk
Error: Package: oscar-base-lib-6.1.2r10894-1.el6.noarch (oscar)
Requires: perl(Tk)
Error: Package: systeminstaller-oscar-x11-2.4.18-1.el6.noarch (oscar)
Requires: perl(Tk::ProgressBar)
Error: Package: systemimager-server-4.3.0-0.18.el6.noarch (oscar)
Requires: perl(Tk::ProgressBar)
Error: Package: perl-Tk-TextANSIColor-0.16-1.noarch (oscar)
Requires: perl(Tk::Font)
Error: Package: configurator-1.0.8-1.el6.noarch (oscar)
Requires: perl(Tk::Pane)
Error: Package: configurator-1.0.8-1.el6.noarch (oscar)
Requires: perl(Tk::Menu)
Error: Package: oscar-base-scripts-6.1.2r10894-1.el6.noarch (oscar)
Requires: perl(Tk)
Error: Package: systemimager-server-4.3.0-0.18.el6.noarch (oscar)
Requires: perl(Tk::ItemStyle)
Error: Package: oscar-base-lib-6.1.2r10894-1.el6.noarch (oscar)
Requires: perl(Tk::Dialog)
Error: Package: oscar-base-lib-6.1.2r10894-1.el6.noarch (oscar)
Requires: perl(Tk::ROText)
Error: Package: systemimager-server-4.3.0-0.18.el6.noarch (oscar)
Requires: perl(Tk::Label)
Error: Package: oscar-base-lib-6.1.2r10894-1.el6.noarch (oscar)
Requires: perl(Tk::LabEntry)
Cordialement,Requires: perl(Tk::Derived)
Error: Package: oscar-base-lib-6.1.2r10894-1.el6.noarch (oscar)
Requires: perl(Tk::Pretty)
Error: Package: oscar-base-lib-6.1.2r10894-1.el6.noarch (oscar)
Requires: perl(Net::IPv4Addr)
Error: Package: systemimager-server-4.3.0-0.18.el6.noarch (oscar)
Requires: perl(Tk::widgets)
Error: Package: oscar-base-scripts-6.1.2r10894-1.el6.noarch (oscar)
Requires: perl(Tk::ROText)
Error: Package: systeminstaller-oscar-x11-2.4.18-1.el6.noarch (oscar)
Requires: perl(Tk::Tree)
Error: Package: systemimager-server-4.3.0-0.18.el6.noarch (oscar)
Requires: perl(Tk)
Error: Package: oscar-base-lib-6.1.2r10894-1.el6.noarch (oscar)
Requires: perl-Net-IPv4Addr
Error: Package: systemimager-server-4.3.0-0.18.el6.noarch (oscar)
Requires: perl(Tk::Balloon)
Error: Package: systeminstaller-oscar-x11-2.4.18-1.el6.noarch (oscar)
Requires: perl(Tk)
Error: Package: perl-Tk-TextANSIColor-0.16-1.noarch (oscar)
Requires: perl(Tk::Text)
Error: Package: perl-Tk-TextANSIColor-0.16-1.noarch (oscar)
Requires: perl(Tk)
Error: Package: systemimager-server-4.3.0-0.18.el6.noarch (oscar)
Requires: perl(Tk::ROText)
Error: Package: configurator-1.0.8-1.el6.noarch (oscar)
Requires: perl(Tk)
Error: Package: systeminstaller-oscar-x11-2.4.18-1.el6.noarch (oscar)
Requires: perl(Tk::FileSelect)
Error: Package: oscar-base-lib-6.1.2r10894-1.el6.noarch (oscar)
Requires: perl(Tk::Tree)
Error: Package: systemimager-server-4.3.0-0.18.el6.noarch (oscar)
Requires: perl(Tk::HList)
Error: Package: perl-Tk-TextANSIColor-0.16-1.noarch (oscar)
Requires: perl(Tk::ROText)
Error: Package: systeminstaller-oscar-2.4.18-1.el6.noarch (oscar)
Requires: perl(MLDBM)
Error: Package: systeminstaller-oscar-x11-2.4.18-1.el6.noarch (oscar)
Requires: perl(Tk::ROText)
Error: Package: oscar-base-scripts-6.1.2r10894-1.el6.noarch (oscar)
Requires: perl(Net::IPv4Addr)
Error: Package: systeminstaller-oscar-x11-2.4.18-1.el6.noarch (oscar)
Requires: perl-Tk
Error: Package: oscar-base-lib-6.1.2r10894-1.el6.noarch (oscar)
Requires: perl(Tk)
Error: Package: systeminstaller-oscar-x11-2.4.18-1.el6.noarch (oscar)
Requires: perl(Tk::ProgressBar)
Error: Package: systemimager-server-4.3.0-0.18.el6.noarch (oscar)
Requires: perl(Tk::ProgressBar)
Error: Package: perl-Tk-TextANSIColor-0.16-1.noarch (oscar)
Requires: perl(Tk::Font)
Error: Package: configurator-1.0.8-1.el6.noarch (oscar)
Requires: perl(Tk::Pane)
Error: Package: configurator-1.0.8-1.el6.noarch (oscar)
Requires: perl(Tk::Menu)
Error: Package: oscar-base-scripts-6.1.2r10894-1.el6.noarch (oscar)
Requires: perl(Tk)
Error: Package: systemimager-server-4.3.0-0.18.el6.noarch (oscar)
Requires: perl(Tk::ItemStyle)
Error: Package: oscar-base-lib-6.1.2r10894-1.el6.noarch (oscar)
Requires: perl(Tk::Dialog)
Error: Package: oscar-base-lib-6.1.2r10894-1.el6.noarch (oscar)
Requires: perl(Tk::ROText)
Error: Package: systemimager-server-4.3.0-0.18.el6.noarch (oscar)
Requires: perl(Tk::Label)
Error: Package: oscar-base-lib-6.1.2r10894-1.el6.noarch (oscar)
Requires: perl(Tk::LabEntry)
Olivier Lahaye
Jan Huelsberg
Fraunhofer-Institut fuer Werkstoffmechanik IWM
Woehlerstr. 11
79108 Freiburg
Telefon +49 761 5142-275
Fax +49 761 5142-110
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Oscar-users mailing list
End of Oscar-users Digest, Vol 82, Issue 10